A New Creation, Conspiracy Realist, ICU/ER RN. Are U grafted in the Tree of Life or still part of the tree of the Knowledge of GOOD & evil?
PEOPLE NEED TO BE LED WHERE TO GO TO GET GOOD INFORMATION on how;STATUS STANDING AND JURISDICTION. THEY NEED TO BE LED TO SOURCE/ and DOCUMENTS to get out of the system. 'DAVID STRAIGHT' is the best teacher that gives it inkindergarden understanding to most lay people. He can be found on YT . FIRST STEP ,AFFIDAVIT of ASSETORY OATH of REPUDIATE AND REVOCATE ,SEND TO SECREARY OF ST and to PRESIDENT, and Attorney General, and your STATE of Brith. THEN MAIL it via certified mail w a return green card to each fo the above, once it returns you sign another doc ....IT is really about 5 easy steps,