Doing my part in helping restore freedom to America while kicking evil in the ass. Guided by God the Father, Jesus Christ & my ancestors!

God bless the USA. Love our country, our vibes & honored to be on the battlefield & connecting with all of you. Experience of a lifetime!
1) This had me thinking about other VK movies. I don’t know all of them, but I found these highly interesting.@doqholliday is this possibly part of “nothing is random”? Let’s take a look.
The Saint – VK plays the Saint. Interestingly enough cold fusion and freeing the world with energy is the plot of that one while VK is the Saint to keep the scientist who discovered it safe so it could be released to the word. Sounds exactly like something that@VincentKennedy was saying about what is needed to be truly free. Tesla Towers anyone?
Willow – VK plays a swordsman, Madmartigan, in which he.
2)...helps protect a special baby from an evil queen who wants to sacrifice the baby to maintain her evil power. Dark/light battle, which craft, blood sacrifice….sound familiar?
Billy the Kid – no explanation needed as VK plays Billy the Kid.
The Doors – VK plays Jim Morrison. The push of the music industry, drugs, partying; Break on Through (to the Other Side), Light My Fire, Riders on the Storm; Morrison was “The Lizard King” and if I recall, his father was in a 3 letter agency.
Tombstone – “I’m your huckleberry” is all I have to say & all Americans should know this movie. IJS....

Morrison - The 🦎 King? I thought Morrison was Rush Limbaugh?

God bless the USA. Love our country, our vibes & honored to be on the battlefield & connecting with all of you. Experience of a lifetime!

God bless the USA. Love our country, our vibes & honored to be on the battlefield & connecting with all of you. Experience of a lifetime!
3) Batman Returns – VK plays Batman/Bruce Wayne. Here we have Batman battling former district attorney Harvey Dent, who is now Two-Face (how many people have shown their true colors lately) & Edward Nygma, The Riddler. These are certainly familiar characters right now - sound familiar?
The Island of Dr. Moreau – VK plays Montgomery, whom after being rescued & brought to an island, he discovers that its inhabitants are experimental animals being turned into strange-looking humans, all of it the work of a “visionary” doctor. Hmmm – transhumanism anyone?

God bless the USA. Love our country, our vibes & honored to be on the battlefield & connecting with all of you. Experience of a lifetime!
4) At First Sight – VK plays a blind man who has an operation that corrects his vision and he has to adjust to a world in a whole new light. Hmmm, we’re going to be needing to adjusting to seeing the world in a whole new light soon aren’t we?
Wonderland – VK plays John Holmes, a legendary porn star that is the center of an investigation of a brutal crime scene. Porn, crime, brutality…..haven’t we been learning about what this industry gets away with?
Conspiracy – VK plays a Marine who discovers a corporate conspiracy designed to run illegal aliens out of an Arizona border town....