Because (GOD), (COUNTRY) no further explanation needed!

Biden gives China access to our US power grid for 90 days in a recent executive order & his Press Secretary not only fumbles all over her response but uses her classic “I’ll circle back with you directly” response

In response Lisa Hill to her Publication

I want to say " she is just stupid," but she ( along with all the other swamp creatures) thinks they have gotten away with the fraud and so doesnt care about answering the question. Honestly, who , but an idiot, doesnt see through this sham? Unless , of course, you arent paying attention. Surprisingly I think the latter is the answer. I have come to believe there are several types of people in this. 1) Trump supporters but don't realize or aren't really paying attention. 2)those Trump supporters paying attention but believe the Biden fake presidency is real. 3) Anons 4) leftist avid CNN lovers

In response Peaceful Protestor to her Publication

5)leftists who are generational democrats who don't realize it isn't grandma's democratic ( The Kennedy's) party and just vote and move on. 6) those who are part of the cabal. feel free to add another catagory here. I believe the highest percentage of the group are those that are Trump supporters that are watching , but believe the fake presidency is real. To be honest, these are the one that grieve me the most.

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...

In response Peaceful Protestor to her Publication

I'm not part of the Cabal, but I would like to add two more categories.

Fake Anons who constantly violate the Code of Anons by doing ZERO research, just clicking away at whatever looks "juicy" & spreading it as if it were fact;

Fake Anons who go out of their way to attack other anons for whom they quote or whose videos they post, like@HippyChic (Michele Elkins-Hoffman, who INSISTS that Charlie Ward is a child trafficker & everything evil, then demands you think her way...

The whole POINT is for people to research & come to their own conclusions based on that research.

Fake Anons d

In response BumbleBeeZ Patriot to her Publication

Thanks for letting me know about hippy chic. I block that kind. I am not on this network to engage with pwople like that. She is just spewing. I get the frustration. I really do But you have to maintain self control and have a measure of patience. She doesn appear to have much of either. A lot of people are feeling so vulnerable. I get that way but then I read my Bible, meditate on His word, and pray. I know where my strength lies.Everyone's situations are different too. some people are really feeling the squeeze of the fake Biden presidency!

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...

In response Peaceful Protestor to her Publication

I agree with you 100%!

The thing is, most of us Anons have a deep & abiding faith in God or higher power (whatever they call it). We have principles & standards for our own behavior.

When someone behaves like that, they are also Fake Christians!

Sure, people are feeling the strain; we were told we'd be brought to the precipice. I'm tired of all of this, too, but I would NEVER attack another Anon that way - with curses & stalking behavior!

Like you, I get into the Word & I'm AMAZED at myself for being so calm. I breeze thru housework with a tiny smile on my face, just waiting o

well if hippy chic is A christian I am not! i don't indentify with that behavior. when one recives Christ they put away the old man , deny themselves , take up their cross, and follow Him. Constant cursing is not of the God I serve.

In response BumbleBeeZ Patriot to her Publication

Only people mentioned by @Mamatiger98 in this post can reply

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...

In response Peaceful Protestor to her Publication

Well, I can have a bit of a potty mouth when I'm confronted with stupid people, which seems to be de riguer these days...

But God & I have a relationship. I'm allowed to get mad. He always has the right thing to say to get me set right.

Sometimes the language has to fit the quality of the person with whom one is confronted. Sometimes you have to give it to them hard, fast & dirty.

I have probably NEVER cussed as much as I have this year!

But I know He forgives me for that.

He knows what it's like trying to fight the Cabal.

In response BumbleBeeZ Patriot to her Publication

we all have our moments. I choose to keep mine in the privacy of my home around those who love me the most and know my heart. I do best when my tv is turned off and I am not listening to the leftist lies. We can be angry and sin not. Jesus anger was righteous indignation toward religious people like you have depicted here in your picture. I don't consider religious people necessarily " Christians." Those of us with a heart for God have to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. keeping in mind to follow peace with all men, I just block those I dont care to see.

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