Have you heard this? From the President of Ghana yesterday? EXPOSED : Ghana, Africa That Awkward Moment when the PRESIDENT OF GHANA goes on NATIONAL TV in Ghana & then proceeds to tell the Entire country about the SATANIC Rockefeller plan to put out a Virus for GLOBAL Depopulation & to destroy the Global Economy & WHERE TO FIND ALL THE PROOF then discloses to the country where the VIRUS was developed , The Fauci & Gates Involvement in the Satanic Agenda ...and much more ..Then tells Ghana that he is going to END ALL VACCINATIONS ..WOW🔥🔥🔥 REAL LEADER who is NOT on the DEEP STATE PAYROLL

I posted your/this post to my fb several times back when you posted it. I was sooo thrilled that, FINALLY, I could show everyone real truth that they couldn't deny, but nobody responded as usual. Whether anyone even clicked on it IDK. That invisible block you know?, but I continued to post it, like 6 or 7 times. Just the other day, while searching for this post again, I came across the clip of this President getting the jab. He and his wife! Says he's the first in Ghana to get it, and encourages others to get it, and encourages them NOT to listen to "Conspiracies" about the jabs. He got the jab ony weeks after him saying this here!!! WOW!

Conspiracy is not just a theory when you have the facts! I've been gathering evidence for over 45 yrs. Built my first computer from scratch.
This is what a real Leader does for his constituents.
Only followers of this user (@RedpilledRN) can see their posts

Starseed, Converted: 17 Sivan 5730 Humanitarian, Save & Protect Our Children, World Peace, WWG1WGA
I saw this video circulating back in May-June 2020. What is strange and can be confusing is that he continues to "play" the NWO game. I'm trying to determin if he is Cabal or not.@MzMidniteRider333 His speeches seen with President Macron of France once this crisis was launched, neither wore *ma$ks. I know they are all under the team's plan now....wondering if the date on YT video of speeches including talks with crisis hasn't been manipulated. Watch the Dates of videos or perhaps it was just meant for those to see, God's timing, everyone is at different level of woke.

Love my Jesus, love my family, love my friends, Q patriot, digital soldier...BLESSED to be alive during the great awakening. +++
Thanks so much. Great find.

Red-pilled and mind-blown by Eustace Mullins books, once upon a time... One foot down the rabbithole, one foot on The High Road.
The Toolkit of Fascists
Rockefeller: Lock Step: Please Share

Digital Soldier🇺🇸 WWG1WGA 🌏Survivor 🇺🇸Dog Lover♥️ MAGA🇺🇸 GOD WINS🙏 Great Awakening!!! I'm here 4 TRUMP

Wow, what a wonderful and courageous man. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing this information. ALL everywhere need this information now. Please to pass on as much as you can.

Patriot, Conservative, Prayer Warrior, PureBlood! ...Love & Gratitude ... Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit !
Share this Patirots! !!!!!!!!

Africa is currently the most forward thinking contingent regarding covid etc.
This was Ghana.
Tanzania - President tested a tree, a pawpaw fruit and a donkey, all of which tested positive. They now have no lockdown as they know the whole thing is BS.
Nigeria - leader was bribed by Bill Gates to bring in a mandatory vaccine, and the opposition found out - they said they would impeach him if he went ahead.
Madagascar - I saw the President on French news saying the WHO tried to bribe him to change the ingredients in a natural remedy (I think it was called COVID organics out something like that) which they had come up with that cured everyone of covid, to basically poison their remedy. That's what he said, and that he politely declined their offer of cash to mislead and poison his own people.
I'm sure there are others.
Only followers of this user (@RedpilledRN) can see their posts

With a 99% Survival Rate and they continue to talk about COVID Vaccines. Really, since when did FLU SHOTS become mandatory???? You better wake up America.....
Wake Up America you still haven't figured out that this is the greatest HOAX ever perpetrated on the American people. A Revolutionary Revolt Against Tyranny and Civil Acts of Disobedience are needed to restore America “1776”
Hydroxychloroquine + Zinc + Z pak = COVID-19 cure https://c19study.com/
Must watch — Doctor shows inefficiency of masks…

South African born currently living on the island of Malta and i love the Lord Jesus
not just USA you cannot believe the folk in Malta over 60% jabbed and all living infear of the Indian strain !!

Deeply committed Trump Patriot. Trusting the Plan. Seeker of truth and spiritual guidance.
Could the link to the website be provided?

Hunter,Ozzie PATRIOT,always felt the world wasnt what it should be.
what a bloody legend..

Hunter,Ozzie PATRIOT,always felt the world wasnt what it should be.
what a bloody legend..

Save our Children. Trust The Plan. Truth Social: https://truthsocial.com/@humunu
Go Ghana!
Only followers of this user (@17_Psalm) can see their posts

#WWG1WGA, #FIGHTER4KIDS,#MMA, #KAG, # NESARA Been here from the start, not going away till we get out country back.
What a Hero and Patriot, WWG1WGA

All I see is a black man warning the masses about the white devils.
History repeating itself

force a lui 😎

A very brave man! 🥰

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...
If this doesn't expose the vaccine as the Mark of the Beast, nothing will.

Christian..#GodWins #Q #WWG1WGA #KAG committed to the Love of my life.. here for fellowship with other God fearing Freedom Loving Patriots
I can feel it in my bones (like my grandma use to say) lol
God has Blessed this man with TRUTH and HE isn't afraid to tell his people....that tells me...the TRUTH is getting out more and more and the bad guys trying to get away with this "world reset" are NO LONGER in any kind of power ...#PRAY#GodWins#wwg1wgaww

Patriot Soapmaker; Proverbs 31 woman; Trump Supporter. Popcorn, hell; bring out the Qake! Pit bull mama Banned 17 times from Twatter...

Christian..#GodWins #Q #WWG1WGA #KAG committed to the Love of my life.. here for fellowship with other God fearing Freedom Loving Patriots
I can feel it in my bones (like my grandma use to say) lol
God has Blessed this man with TRUTH and HE isn't afraid to tell his people....that tells me...the TRUTH is getting out more and more and the bad guys trying to get away with this "world reset" are NO LONGER in any kind of power ...#PRAY#GodWins#wwg1wgaww

Patriot, Conservative, Prayer Warrior, PureBlood! ...Love & Gratitude ... Kind heart, fierce mind, brave spirit !
Yep !!

one heck of a leader, thank you

I am holding the line unwaveringly. Japanese/English translator. So happy be back with the patriots. Love President Trump. DMers blocked.
What a great leader!!! God bless this man!!!

If they stand behind you protect them. If they stand beside you respect them. If [they] stand against you, show no mercy!

Thank GOD for this Mans COURAGE! We have NO ONE now!

With Trump from the beginning I will be there til the end. God wins! Save our children❤️🚂🇺🇸
I love it!! GOD WINS!!

Truthseeking, Trump-loving Patriot, Intuit... I see things... God always wins.
God bless him!
Trump needs to do that here.
In fact, I believe the timing of these revelations about the election fraud in Burma and the exposing of the Covid scam in Ghana has been strategic...
tick-tock, drip, drip...?