Carbon based breather of air. Keeper of candles and minder of bridges. Coauthor of War!Sing
I saw a Chinese man once inside my house about a decade ago, he was very short and just stood there doing nothing. I did not see him again.
I also saw three women dancing in my living room some years later. All three were extremely short and reminded me of Boticelli's Primavera. I walked up to the apparritions and walked around it, which then slowly dissolved.
I saw my long deceased grandmother, she was standing in a crowd smiling at me. She disappeared in a blink. She was her normal size.
When I see stuff that isn't there LOL, the scale tends to have no relation to physical reality, and my mind has no issue with it.

Carbon based breather of air. Keeper of candles and minder of bridges. Coauthor of War!Sing
I want to add that the Chinese man I saw was not modern looking. He looked rather ancient. I don't know why I saw him, or what I was to learn from the experience.

Yes, one lived with me. At first wasn't bothered but then he started getting aggressive and felt scared. Followed someones advice to just yell at him to leave, and he did!
I had recently purchased a home, and the ghost was already there, I believe, although he could have followed me there undetected before that. It started with audible footsteps and feeling of a presence. I was afraid to leave my young son alone in the house while I showered because I didn't know if he would be harmed. At this early stage, it was very real, he was there.
He started coming into my room at night waking me up. I could see his outline, my cat would look right at him too. He was there. Every night he would come in and stand over me in bed. I felt the cold rush. I could see his entire body as static or snow like on tv. Each night getting closer and staying longer. He was taking energy from me. I was afraid to reach out and touch him, but I knew I could, he was standing right there! more...

At first I was curious why he was there. Did he need me to help him? Was he trying to tell me something? It became clear he was only there to steal my energy. He was up to something. As I already said. He left when I told him to. He was not welcome and figured he wasn't going to get what he was after. I have a friend who has a much worse story. The demons wouldn't leave. She actually got Lorraine Warren involved. Whole other story. Not all ghosts are benevolent. Beware.

Trump and Q is why I am here. Been kicked off one platform after the next 😂🤣. Trump will return SQQN!!!!!!!!
A ball of light after my grandma died... i knew it was her!!!!

I love Trump only voted 3 times in my life 1 for Regan n 2 for Trump n would a dozen times more Love Jfk n family
felt one touch me

Yes, One night I woke up and 2 guys were standing at the foot of the bed with there arm around each other looking at me smiling. Scared the crap right out of me I said out loud wtf. Around xmas time I was wrapping gifts I turned and looked down the hall i seen a shadow run from my sons room to the other end of hall . I was calling for my daughter thinking it was her in the room. She was in her room doing homework.

Veterans Wife, Mom, and Patriot. Portrait Photographer WWG1WGA Former @MMidd2020Q on Twatter.
my dead granny!
i was getting myself ready for work, walked down my hallway, and there my sweet granny was. she asked if i wanted a wee cup of tea, and i said "no granny! you're dead! i have to goto work, i don't have time for this". i saw her at my table just like i see living people at my table. I'll never forget it.

Righteousness 1Peter 4:12-13 The same yesterday, today and forever Hebrews 13:8 For mine eyes have seen thy salvation Luke 2:30
yes, 1 full spirit in 1979, a 1800s military liaison, I believe for the South, this was in Nebraska, he had been working with the Indians there.
So many energies and disembodied beings to mention.
oh, and him...🙏

Save the children. It begins with telling the truth people don't want to hear, while we watch the "Patriarchy" collapse. God Won!
I grew up with a ghost. The first night in the back bedroom was so cold we could see our breath. It was 90 degrees outside. Dad moved us into the garage and put in two bunkbeds. In the beginning she tormented my poor mother, in the end she protected her. Then as we got older more came into the house. Maybe because us kids saw them. Scariest one was the headless horseman coming thru a plate glass window that didn't open and began with the curtains moving, then opening to him coming thru the window. That was the only time we screamed, then we moved.

WWG1WGA. Jesus is my Savior. Child of God. Trump is the best President EVER!!!
Yes. I have seen orbs, shadow ppl, sensed the presence of many, and felt the touch of a few, heard whispers of some, and felt the pain of others. Strange thing sometimes...don't know that I have actually seen a ghost in "human" form except when I see thier life before they died....
Only followers of this user (@JazzyMama) can see their posts

Christian, Patriot, Anon, Musician - my song on YT "Prodigal Child by Alicia Maria"- WWG1WGA - 40+yrs cleansings & demonologist work
I saw them everywhere as a child (I thought every one could see them - made for lots of confused adults) - I was never frightened by them but often startled - I believe it prepared me for the spiritual cleansing work the Lord has had me doing all these years and also the ghost rescue work when I encounter them

WWG1WGA, politic junky, Digital Soldier- follow me on telegram t.me/awake2DS
Many Many times. I lived in 3 haunted houses in my lifetime. One was super bad.. Black fog floating over my parents as I went in there room in the middle of the night to sleep on their floor .. that was the worst ever. Hearing a parting in the basement..footsteps up and down the basement stairs. Lights off and on, crying through the heating vents. Shoes being thrown down the stairs when noone upstairs. Quite interesting. Lots more to.

#WWG1WGA #Trump 2020 #Maga #Qanon #17 #PainComing #SaveTheChildren #deplorable #patriot #kek #The storm God Controls The Climate
all of my experiences have been good, no fear. As a child I was a bit freaked but nothing bad

Love this thread! Thank you all for sharing your experiences! I too see and hear ghosts/angels. My awareness of them is always strongest when I am pregnant 🤷🏼♀️

Yes Ive seen many of them and demons. Once I was sleeping and 7 or 8 months pregnant and a demon pressed hard on my tummy and choked my boyfriend and then kissed me almost smashing into my lips. I opened my eyes and saw it. Its face was HUGE, round like a pancake and flat with large yellow, green and red scales on its face and its eyes were the same color. I will never ever forget that night.

There's a ghost at the cafe I run. Very social, does little things to say goodbye when I leave. I've seen movement out of the corner of my eye and orbs on video. She's been known to whisper in ears and pull on apron strings. I get a zingy feeling and coldness when she's around, but I've never been afraid.

I was bowling and looked up at the people and saw one of my old team mates and waved hello he nodded to me It was somewhere between 1pm and 3pm. Found out later from his wife he had passed away at 10 am that morning.

Yes, I was a sophomore in high school. I knew his name after he appeared to me. Just a few months back my step dad confirmed it by describing this man to me. The man I saw built the house I lived in and he had taken his own life.

yes.......I have lived in several places that were "haunted". I've learned how to live with it which many can't.

i see blurs out of the corner of my eyes once in awhile at home. chills after i see them too sometimes. happens more past few yrs after losing a family member

Patriot. American. Mom. Grandma. Lover of Freedom, Liberty, God and Country. Will stay in the fight till the end! #WWG1WGA #MAGA4EVER
Kind of. While vacationing in Jamaica, toured a well known haunted place [Rose Hall Great House, Montego Bay]. I had multiple experiences that day where my digital camera locked up for no reason, eerily in all the rooms in which a murder had taken place. I didn't realize until the end of the day when I was reviewing the pictures, I noticed I captured an image of a ghost, sitting on one of the beds.
If you're ever in Montego Bay, I highly recommend the tour... it's an interesting story, a gorgeous view and imho, the handcarved woodwork throughout the home is well worth the price of admission.

Wife, Mother, Grandmother... Seeker of the Truth hHoding the Line ** WWG1WGA
ok, a few years ago while working, I kept feeling like I wasn't alone and hearing people whisper so I shut off the light and snapped two photos. Largest orb I have ever gotten.

#WWG1WGA #Trump 2020 #Maga #Qanon #17 #PainComing #SaveTheChildren #deplorable #patriot #kek #The storm God Controls The Climate
Awsome photoes!
Thank you for sharing

Orb's: they are beautifull!> Book about the fenomenon>>
ORBS en andere lichtfenomenen (Boekrecensie) - Dossier X
Zijn orbs multidimensionale bewustzijnsvormen? Die vraag stelde Ed Vos zich toen hij de eerste foto’s van de opmerkelijke lichtbollen aangereikt kreeg in 1997. Die foto’s waren genomen in het dolfinarium in Harderwijk en op Ameland. Het ontstaan van het vreemde lichtfenomeen wordt doorga..
Wife, Mother, Grandmother... Seeker of the Truth hHoding the Line ** WWG1WGA
Yes. I have... Some of them I am unsure if I am seeing ghosts or dimensional bleed through.

#WWG1WGA #Trump 2020 #Maga #Qanon #17 #PainComing #SaveTheChildren #deplorable #patriot #kek #The storm God Controls The Climate
Me and my kids have seen orbs.

#WWG1WGA #Trump 2020 #Maga #Qanon #17 #PainComing #SaveTheChildren #deplorable #patriot #kek #The storm God Controls The Climate
I have seen many too!

yes, i have seen many.

yes, i have seen many.

yes, i have seen many.