Sometimes I like to play the 'what if' game...
What if 3.4 comes and goes & things are exactly the same as they are now?
What if things don't happen the way they are being talked about now?
What if things unfold in a way that is completely different from how you envision it?
Will you be good?
wrong thing to focus on. nobody knows exact future, even super computer.
focus on now. increase your consviousness and vibration. get the message of justice stronger in world energy sphere.
focus on resistance. no masks, vaccines, covid tests. refuse lockdowns. openly deny the authority of illegal regime and refuse to follow laws or orders they create.
stop paying federal taxes. maybe state if you are in CA or NY.
do not hide or fear others opinion, cancel culture.
if we show strength, use the resonance of higher consciousness and dont acquiesce to even minor points, we will win