Oath Taker, Fighter for Freedom, and lover of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior.
At what point does the plot change? We are at over 40 hours with no power or water here in Texas, it's 10° and dropping fast as the next round of ice and snow has just started. ERCOT is telling the power companies not to turn power back on and are making no exceptions for at risk people, people on oxygen, ventilators, feeding and sleeping machines. Grocery stores and gas stations have no power! Greg Abbott has done nothing, but flap his fooking gums while reports of people dying are starting to come in. ENOUGH is ENOUGH! The American pissed level is off the charts!
I don't know if this is helpful but it is worth sharing. My grandma used to use a kerosene heater to heat her old house. It is cheaper than a generator and I don't think people think to go out and grab them up. I think they are safe she used it a lot. My parents even used it when they were out of power. Obviously not helpful if you can't go get one.

I Respect all living things! Let’s Stand and take our rightful place Human Race.
I think that's a really good idea except for now people can't get to buy the stuff