This will put a damper on The Green New Deal...
Nearly Half of Texas' Wind Turbines Freeze Contributing to Power Emergency, Over 2 Million Without Power

Love My Jesus, Married, two Son and a Wonderful Daughter in Love Too many critters to names.
Sad No back up for bad weather for these wind mills.

Moving at Z Speed of Thought. The truth has only one master. All Timelines converged. I pledge to you all that I AM.
The point is being made... 5:5
Rejoining the Paris Climate Accords...bad idea.
Many will Awaken once they receive theit next utility bill. God and The Patriots work in Mysterious Ways.

Good news - we in Tx have our own power grid..... bad news - when winter hits here it knocks us out! Texans don't do well in single digit temps(neg windchill) and no heat - lol. We'll get thru tho

we're all praying for you!!! i'm in kc & we've had brutal cold & snow for a week & have another week to go. if we didn't have heat/power, we would be in deep trouble!

Bible-believing Christian, Watcher on the wall, humble in faith, Berean in study.
The entire midwest grid is in trouble. Poweroutage.us does not track most of the Public Power Districts (PPDs) in region so they don't show up on site.
Here in Nebraska we also had rolling blackouts on most of the "untracked" power districts this morning and afternoon.😵 It was -22.4 this morning...going back down to -20 tongiht and we may have no power.
Also, they are asking "non-essential" manufacturing to shut down at least tomorrow.
Let's shut down some more nuclear and coal plants and keep building these bullshit wind turbines.😡

praying for you...i'm in kc-brutal cold for a week now & another week to go. stay warm tonight...

Retired Ag educator, farmer/rancher Leaving Twit for the bidephiles!
Yep, I'm one of em. Somehow, 35% of the power grid is down due to windmills frozen and natural gas deliveries hindered by freezing pipelines. Plus, all of the Californians here.
Fireplace and generac to the rescue!

In Germany we have enough of that scrap. Time for Tesla Energy.

Patriot, Catholic, Vietnam Era U.S. Army veteran, father to my 22 y/o Son serving in the USCG. UM Z God Wins. Trump 2020. BTW Its flat.
What a waste of $$$

Tenacious Wisconsinite fighting government and medical tyranny. Redpilling for many years before I knew it was redpilling.Where is my origin
Not that I want anyone to get hurt, freeze.... this had to happen so people can realize that "green" energy is not efficient or reliable. It sounds great on the outer surface but cost and maintenance are super expensive and they are not reliable.. solar was 21% efficienct last I compared... and the turbine propellors are not recycleable. Big lies... Firewood and tumble weed burn to stay warm!!!! Hunker down and snuggle tight!

China Is In The Process Of Creating The Perfect Communist...
View this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DRkTjOC_4SA

Tenacious Wisconsinite fighting government and medical tyranny. Redpilling for many years before I knew it was redpilling.Where is my origin
???? Cyborgs yes... the Palo Alto creation of hillary? Maybe her robot post execution? New one to me..no rabbit hole for me on this one ;)