“Servitude is always preceded by sleep.” - Montesquieu
What disturbs me about this "movie" is that even the White Hats apparently believe that the People should or need to be subject to this charade, i.e. they need to be deceived for their own good.
Furthermore there are many reasons why I can sympathize with people who are not fully aware of the nature and depth of the charade.
The people are still not being treated as a self-governing community but as children in need of paternalistic authority, children who need fairy tales.
This movie is not in the spirit of Truth or in the spirit of a self-governing constitutional republic.
What Ezra said!
I'd only add, there are real people in harm's way and a real blood and guts aspect of this battle is going on. But to minimise casualties, A LOT OF STUFF HAS/IS BEING DONE WHILE FOLKS ARE UNAWARE. The stuff/info they are putting out, DIGEST AND DISPENCE TO THE STILL UNWOKE. Major surgery NEEDS anasthesia. Acceptable levels of pain are coming so enough when the cover is pulled back and the evil that has been done to us & done in our name is put on display for all to see. Be sure you have yourself ready for the enormity of it & any others who will listen to you prepare the