PJ is the name given to me at birth & it stands for Praise Jesus. It is written. What’s done in the dark will come to light. #GodWins
There is no honor in sharing photos of naked tortured children (CP). It’s quite the opposite of being honorable, actually. It’s disgusting and 100% ILLEGAL. Sharing disgusting photos w/o any context does more harm to our movement than good.
We don’t need to see images of murder to “wake up” to the horror of murder, same goes for the horrors done to innocent children. You’re planting images of these innocent victims WITHOUT THEIR CONSENT, into the subconscious of every anon who sees them. It’s wrong and has no place on this platform.

This is always a hot topic with Xanon. I would like to consider something. Has anyone thought about who will take care of all these children who are being harmed? Some won’t go back to their families, some do not have families, some we might never know who they belong to. I would hate to allow the government to hold these children (like CPS). Maybe good patriots need to rise and start an organization to these foster children into our homes and help them recover from their atrocities. It is my sincere home these children are rescued.
They will need people who can help them through the ptsd they will no doubt be suffering from.

It all will start with someone who will LOVE them unconditionally... Everything else will come with patience, structure and love.