Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

The brainwashing does not stop even on those who are searchng.Truth is self-evident it can't come from just outside you. There are people who sees these things and can't accept it no matter the evidence. But the moment the media or their government entity says this is true then they believe it (no evidence needed). Because we don't witness these things we have gather data until a picture is presented -evident and this takes work. Thank you for showing this
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts

Exactly, If they think then they have to choose. Like crossing the street (looking left and right) you choose when its safe to proceed. But if you don't look you will most likely get hit. But those don't look can't choose and if they don't choose they can always says they are the victim.
Like the covid vaccines-So much data from professionals and the write-up telling you it's scary to even look at. If they don't look they can say look at what they did to me (victim). But more disgusting those that don't look want to force those that looked into harms-way.
Only followers of this user (@Miss_Wide_Awake) can see their posts