How do you go bankrupt when you sell your product to 15 million people at a $100 pop? 😏
Since 23andMe was founded nearly 20 years ago, 15 million people have mailed their saliva and about $100 to the biotechnology company. In return, they've gotten back their genetic heritage, health reports and surprise connections with long-lost family. Now bankrupt, the company will likely be sold, leading to concern its trove of data could end up in the wrong hands. Nancy Chen reports.
23andMe bankruptcy is "privacy nightmare," consumer advocate warns
Since 23andMe was founded nearly 20 years ago, 15 million people have mailed their saliva and about $100 to the biotechnology company. In return, they've gotten back their genetic heritage, health reports and surprise connections with long-lost family. Now bankrupt, the company will likely be s..
US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
Many of my family and friends were so excited to announce they gave their spouses this as a Christmas gift a few years ago. I asked them why they thought this was a great gift. The response was "Now we will know who we are". My response was "Hmm". My parents told me where they came from and who they were. I already know who I am. Really - think about your decisions before you act on them. Your DNA was inserted into your bodies when you were created by God. That is enough for me.

Almost everyone in my immediate AND extended families fell for this data harvesting scam. I REFUSED TO PARTICIPATE. I do not need some stinking DNA analysis to know who I AM. So sorry others took the bait!

Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
It was already too late to protect your DNA when you sent in the sample.
23 and Me was looking for the descendsnt's of Jesus, because he/his bloodline has the right to inherit the Earth.