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US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

As our post-war parents struggled to maintain their families, jobs and environment, they slowly slipped into the microwave, television, fast food practices. Our trust was in the FDA to oversee these processed foods to insure the safety of our food sources. The store shelves were widely stocked with instant this and that foods in boxes, bags and cans. The FDA never fully disclosed many of the process chemicals used to prolong shelf life and present a more appealing appearance of the foods for purchase. Why are so many of us obese? Many of us are addicted to fast food, processed food and plain old junk food. I have been down that road many times. I am now on a path focused on Natural and UNprocessed foods and drinks. It actually saves me money in the long run. I prepare meals with fresh foods. I have more energy, less illness and better overall health. Thank God for our natural resources - all created to improve our bodies' functions.

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator

In response Brandy Molina to her Publication

good for you. i simply and honestly dont like to cook or in reality eat yet i am overweight. dieted in all kinds of ways. took a month to lose the weight i gained from the new diet.. obviouslymy body was telling me something but i nevr could find the right one to stay on except for limited sugars to 8 grams a day total.. it worked and lost 70 pounds but took forever. i didnt like the diet and at times felt almost anorexic (i can see how it works actually). my body saved everything to keep me going so even 500 calories a day i didnt lose anything.. no doc could fix me-duh. i did this with exercise also. so i gave up . funny thing is i didnt eat a lot but couldnt lose.. now i am losing and not changing anything so somethings flipped. and i am not sick. ever (TYGod). a weird body for sure.. cant wait for the replicator to come into our lives as i do think i will benefit with that. i will eat better also.. thanks for the info. will keep it in my bonnet if i get the urge..

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I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response Authentic Citizen to his Publication

Making meals easier for the working House Wife.
They sold us on boxed meals . TV dinners!
My children begged for TV dinners😆
The boxed cereals are absolutely criminal!
Rarely bought them
Afraid to see what is in Raisin Brand
NOTHING food wise is real food. Everything is manmade imo