The complete JFK files, as they exist, were released today.
Since that tragic day on November 22, 1963,
when our great President was slain,
there have been unceasing theories about who was responsible.
As information has ‘leaked’ over the years,
questions also arose as to HOW MANY GUNS were in fact
aimed at our President, including his driver’s?
Was it LBJ, as Mrs. Kennedy told her son, JFK Jr.?
Was it Israel’s PM Ben-Gurion, former CIA Dir GHW Bush,
or former CIA Dir Allen Dulles, who JFK had fired weeks
before being assassinated?
Was it the Rothschild’s as punishment for JFK’s EO 11110?
Was it a satanic ritual killing warranting the presence of
Philippine de Rothschild, the ‘Babushka lady?’
On practically every page of the JFK file it essentially reads
'the CIA’ were responsible.
So who IS the CIA? The deep state demons 💥

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
Yes, it is the CIA George HW Bush, the Dulles brothers, LBJ and many others who wanted to remove a brave warrior and president. We knew then the involvement of LBJ and others but had no way to prove our suspicions. When the entire plot to remove JFK is revealed, it will be overwhelming to many. Like many millions of Americans, I watched in horror as President JFK was assassinated in Dallas. It was the most significant day in the history of the USA. Those who participated in the murder of a great president of the USA are already judged and sent to hell by God, but we will never forget their part in the murder of a great statesman - JFK. I look forward to seeing JFK Jr step out of the shadows for us to honor him as a great source of strength and courage of our nation. God knows we need that day.

😻 That wink from LBJ, who was standing next to
President Kennedy's blood-spattered widow, was pure evil.
LBJ was gloating while the whole world was weeping 💔
but the order originated from Israel / MOSSAD:
Ben-Gurion so JFK wouldn’t look into their nuclear program.
The DS MIL Ind Complex
because JFK wouldn’t go to war in Cuba or Vietnam.
[They] wanted to install LBJ.
JFK wanted to release the TRUTH about Aliens
& the advanced Tesla Tech that could heal.
& then the Rothschilds 👇
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
In 1963, JFK's EO 11110 gave him legal authority
to create interest, debt-free &
bloodline-banker-free money.
The day after President Kennedy was assassinated
LBJ revoked the no-interest U.S. currency
as payback to those behind the assassination.
Nixon knew LBJ was part of the club,
which included J Edgar Hoover
& 👉others
who took out a President in a coup
to control the future of America 🙏🏻🌎🇺🇸

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Kat & Brandy, whenever I see ANYTHING about the JFK Assassination, what hits me hard every time is imagining what it must have been like for Jackie (and the Children), but especially for Jackie - KNOWING that Secret Handshakers in the Secret Service were also involved in her Husband's Assassination...YET THEY CONTINUED GUARDING HER AND THE CHILDREN 24-7!
That is truly LIFE IN HELL.
How BRAVE & STRONG Jackie had to be to stay composed in that hellish situation, Secret Service monitoring her family 24-7. Eventually her worst fears realized, the plot against JFK Jr.'s plane...
In Dealey Plaza that dreadful day, SHE KNEW JFK'S KILLER WAS IN THE CAR! Why did that Secret Service Agent seem to stop her as she was trying to get out of the car?!?!
I'll bet we're gonna find out...

🌟 Here is a blazing light for you, ol_cowboy.
The Green Beret/QTeam
have been protecting JFK, Jr. since he was born.
President Kennedy KNEW
he couldn't TRUST ANYONE except QTeam,
who were only a handful
of his closest MIL advisors 💪🇺🇸🪖❤️
THEY are the ones that found the bomb
on JFK, Jr.'s plane.
Behind-the-scenes, the great Green Beret
protected Mrs. Kennedy & her children
(& still do) 24/7 💪🇺🇸🪖
🇺🇸 President Kennedy, April 1962 Memorandum
"The Green Beret is again becoming the symbol
of excellence, a badge of courage,
a mark of distinction in the fight for freedom."
🇺🇸 JFK, West Point, June 1962
"Special Forces, forces too unconventional
to be called conventional..."
President Kennedy was preparing America
for the war he knew was to come
with the deep state 💪🇺🇸🪖
Irregular warfare is far more varied
than conventional conflict
The story unfolding is beyond amazing, Kat. 😎
I think John Wayne knew stuff & went out of his way to make the movie "THE GREEN BERETS" (1968) to really honor The Green Berets AND to give special Tribute to JFK. The movie's OPENING SCENE is of JFK's name front & center across a banner, "UNITED STATES ARMY JOHN F. KENNEDY CENTER FOR SPECIAL WARFARE". Did John Wayne, in his own Patriotic way, make that movie & start with that specific scene on purpose to send a message to the Cabal of the RETRIBUTION that was coming?
⚔️ 💀⚔️ I'd like to think so...
"To Free The Oppressed"
That tells you everything you need to know about the Green Berets.
Somehow we Anons just know in our guts, that the Kennedy Family, Q-Team, our Valiant Military including SPECIAL WARRIORS & Real Generals, Tesla & the Trumps - got the best of these Monsters...
Say, who are those good-lookin' NTSB investigators? Would make a beautiful VP Couple! 😉😂 Ha!