Does Juan O Savin really think that's Biden?😂
The problem I have with "stand-in" theories is, HOW will that play when the truth is revealed? Play actors taking scripted steps to harm our country VS. the real actors doing what comes naturally??
Which will wake up more Americans? Which might confuse Americans about the true motivations of DJT? It doesn't pass the logic test. That said, anything's possible...
kerri Cassidy pressed him hard on that in their interview on Friday. you should listen
Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
Pressing to "know" more than Q is telling at this moment is flat out dangerous. UNLESS YOU ARE AN OPERATOR AT THE HIGHEST LEVELS YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW UNTIL THE OPERATION IS OVER. Think anesthesia. NO ONE WANTS MAJOR SURGERY WITHOUT IT! Evidence & proofs will follow.
And he said nothing , all 2 hiours of it.