For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Darndest thing happened to me today...
Before I get into that, some Folks are sayin' that when our DNA is restored, telepathy is one Human capability that we'll all get back.
I go into my local automotive parts supply store today and pick myself up a big can of sandable primer paint (the kind you spray out of a spray gun), and two cans of reducer (like paint thinner) - for a truck restoration project I'm working on.
I paid for the goods at the register, and as I walked out, the store clerk hollers to me, "GOOD LUCK PAINTING THAT PICKUP BED!"
Mighty nice thing to say, except that I didn't tell him I was gonna paint my pickup bed (which is what I'm working on next).
In fact, I didn't tell him what I was working on at all.
Was just thinkin' it when he rang my sale up. 😳

It sucks sometimes as we get old we forgot telling people things within seconds 🤪😁

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
It was telepathy.
I was thinking intensely about all the prep work I gotta do before I paint the pickup bed as I was buying the cans of primer; the dent removal, sanding, filling, sanding again, priming, sanding...and that's before painting.
Didn't know the guy from Adam.
Never mentioned a thing to him, other than "How's your day goin'?"
My memory's sharp as a tack.
Quit ingesting fluoride decades ago. 😀
Don't use aluminum-soaked body products, neither.
God created us to be telepathic, BTW, before our DNA was tampered with & disconnected by the Cabal. Telepathic souls cannot lie & they cannot be lied to. That's just ONE reason why they disconnected most of the strands of our DNA, James. We're only using 2 or 3 strands tops, all the other strands of our DNA were deactivated. That's something that is slowly being undone by our 5D Sun & our bodies being detoxed. Medbeds will likely restore our DNA just as God designed. We'll be SUPERHERO.
We are God's Children, after all.
As I get older I notice I talk aloud to myself more often. I don't know if I would still consider myself sharp as a tack but with all these aches and pains it feels like I'm being poked by a sharp tack at times.
Do you ever just walk along everything's going normal and all the sudden you feel like you just got stung in the leg and go ouch what the heck ! 😁

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Nope, not me pal.
You autta get that checked!
My only complaint presently is my barometer knees, ache like crazy with all these fake weather changes on the weekends. 😂
Can't wait for them Medbeds to roll out. 👍

Yep me too. To many years doing construction and too many injuries. I hope these med beds are for real