"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
I think to anyone Biblically grounded it's quite clear we are *in* ... 'the end times'. Not all elements of prophecy have played out yet (obviously) but we are deep into the 'last days'.
We are so focused on, our attention so drawn to, *the beast* (NWO) system forming before our very eyes but few know there are *2* beasts in Rev13 (v11), where the first beast is introduced in v1.
I truly believe this very good 'line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little there a little' (ala Is28:9-10) study of the 2nd beast (along w/ the first) goes a long way to understanding *Biblically* what's going on w/ Trump and America's role in all of it.
Is The USA In Bible Prophecy? | Amazing Discoveries
Can we find the USA in bible prophecy? Who are the two beasts in Revelation 13 and do they work together? Unlock Revelation and find answers in this episode.
A crucial passage imo to also deeply contemplate and understand in the days ahead is Satan's 3rd wilderness temptation of Christ recounted in Mathew 4:8,9
The issue of *worship* in the final events of earth history before Jesus comes and it's importance not only in our relationship w/ God but to Satan's ultimate goal.
Note in this Mathew passage Satan's willingness to 'give up ALL the kingdoms of the world' is Jesus would but bend his knee and worship him.
We also see this focus on *worship* (of 'the beast') in Rev13:12 and 15.
If Satan *does* give up 'all his kingdoms' to achieve 'the world's' worship wouldn't that require throwing ALL his *obvious* evil earthly human minions under the bus?
Wouldn't that LOOK like 'dark > light'?
But what 'light' will that actually be?
"And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." 2Cor11:14
while offering .. say .. a false GESARA/NESARA driven 'golden age' ... hmm?