🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
24:14 Trump is creating almost like a Silicon Valley
that will be the United States.
He’s creating a lot of different places with these
HUGE GIGANTIC BUILDINGS like in Silicon Valley
& this usually takes 2 years to create..
This is part of efficiency.
How to move that money.
get past red tape
to do it as quickly as possible.
Trump & Musk are moving VERY VERY QUICK.
They’re going to go after the deep state Military,
the DS Government, the DS world,
they’re going to capture these other countries,
the financial systems
& they’re going to bring all that money back QUICKLY.
At the same time all the other countries are going to grow
when they come back underneath the U.S. system of trading
on the American dollar, American currency,
& the gigantic cryptocurrency that’s coming 🌟
😻 Partial transcript 3 pages 👇

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Kat, WHO could be a better BUILDER than Donald J. Trump? What he did in New York City was nothing short of amazing, let alone all those other cities! 🏢 Combine that with Elon...you got Warp-Speed Construction!
When I see that Apple building, I see the future of construction 👉 3D PRINTED BUILDINGS,
& I got a story...
Many years ago (construction a big part of my life), I wanted to find a more efficient way to build homes, faster & cheaper. So I looked at everything from container homes to...wait for it...3D Home Printers. THEY EXIST! I found a company that made those printers & contacted them. The spiffy "printer" comprised of a center-pole axis with an extendable radius arm & it would "print" using special concrete that literally came out the arm's nozzle like toothpaste out of a tube. Voila! Circular homes.
Problem was, when I asked to buy one from that company, they said...wait for it...
"We only service the Space Programs." 🚀
I was like, Whiskey Tango Foxtrot!!! 😳

It is not building nor buildings where the problem lies, it is the infrastructure. It is outdated by decades ( intentional ) and crumbling. Done so foreign nationals can purchase at pennies on the dollar.
Remember heir Klaus: " you will own nothing and be happy for it "?
What do you think he meant? Contemplate !
Why is Musk lining low orbit sats vs high orbit?

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
1 of 2:
I agree & disagree. I agree that our infrastructure is crumbling and that of course was intentional and part of the Globalista agenda to bring America down. That will change. We will rebuild all American infrastructure.
Our construction methods also have to be totally re-approached with new & better building principles, however. Presently, our home building standards are 100% GARBAGE IMO, and that includes wood frame houses with raised floor joists and very poisonous and proven faulty building materials like carpets and OSB, etc. Our standard "modern" homes are cheap, have poor R-Insulation values & are designed not even to last the duration of a mortgage (death pledge) anymore.
They inherently mold and rot everywhere, emit toxins and chemicals like formaldehyde, disconnect us so we are not grounding ourselves (wood joists, not slabs) to earth, and they literally fall apart such that they can't really be passed on to our children without being literally gutted.

You are absolutely correct, our building methods must dramatically improve or the methods released from storage

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Now we're talking Mystic Knight! 😃👍 💯
I can't wait to build that perfect home that's constructed around all of our Human needs, one that improves our health day & night. Building them strong & efficiently so everyone can have one that's worth inheriting by multiple generations. Feng Shui on steroids filled with natural light. Imagine appliances & wiring that emit good frequencies like 432 Hertz 24/7. Even "bricks" functioning as batteries, antennas collecting energy from the ether so we can tell the power companies to pound sand as we enjoy endless free hot water. Can't wait 'till these hidden technologies are unleashed for Humanity's well being, everyone's standard of living increased. NO MORE HOMELESSNESS. Everyone grounding themselves daily on pretty stamped concrete patios and tile floors on slabs that have free radiant in-floor heat. Heated walks & driveways so I don't gotta shovel snow. 😂 It's gonna be awesome.

A alternator electricity generator ( non fossil dependent ) powered by an electromagnetic charge from 2/ 30lb. magnets, with expandable battery storage should suffice for powering an apt. to a 3br, house ( add more magnets as needed, e/storage or generator/s ). Buildings should be built West to East allowing the flow of the Sun to radiate throughout, if not possible then windows should be placed according to orientation of building to Sun/Moon path. The electromagnetism generated can also be used to grow crops rapidly. The walls of the building or generator housing can be used to capture and distribute EM and actuators to match the EM to a specific crop's resonance, after all, what is Light if not electromagnetic pulses made manifest by our brain matching resonance " vibrations. " through " visual cortex "

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