Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already

So when you put doner on your driver's license you give them authorization to kill you by taking and sell your organs.
I stopped adding doner to my license years ago. 😳

Never believe anything more than 98%. 1% for new information, and 1% for the final piece, KNOWING. Ex-Nurse, Mom of 10, 4 in Heaven already
I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but DNR's are just as bad.
80 year old woman comes into my ER with Congestive Heart Failure. Swollen ankles, with pitting edema.
In the past we would give her a diuretic IV, and in a day or two she would be fine and go home. But, after she was coerced into having a DNR put on her chart, the Dr looks at me and says, "She's a DNR Sheila. Let her go."
I made sure she knew she could resend that DNR anytime she wanted to, so she did, and he had to give her the diuretic and admit her. She was discharged the next day.

Good for you. I've been doing alternative cures for so many years and so many unnecessary deaths.
The latest cure for these sinus infections that lead to lung infections is using pure gum spirits. This one I figured out myself. I've used pure gum spirits for so many different things and it's a miracle cure.
I take two small pieces of tissue paper and roll them up take one tablespoon of pure gum spirits and put it in a glass bowl and then absorb the tissue paper in the mineral spirits evenly. I put the dryer end of the tissue paper in each nostril and inhale for 5 to 10 minutes normally. The vapors kill off all the bacteria and virus not only in my sinuses but in my lungs as I inhale. For people that are more sensitive to pure gum spirits just hold the tissue paper close to your sinuses and inhale normally for at least 5 to 10 minutes. Extremely effective and no need for people to die from pneumonia anymore.
You posted about this before (thank you for that), so I ordered the one you suggested. I put some in a tiny dram bottle and inserted a wick (the kind you use in a waterless aroma diffuser). When I've been out running errands, I usually come home coughing and runny nose; I open that bottle and just smell it for about 5 minutes, and the coughing subsides. It really is amazing! I like the smell of it too -- smells like the fatwood I used to start a fire in the fireplace. Told my childhood best friend about it -- she laughed and said her dad put it on their cuts when they were kids in the 60's. So I tried that too -- it protects from infection and helps heal 🙂.

Thank you for the confirmation. He's curious have been out there for years which cost little to nothing to administer yourself and for family and friends but they don't want you to know this so instead they feed you pharmaceutical medicines that cause more side effects and eventually death.
Yes it's great for cuts and infections especially if you have a tooth infection or toothache you put it alongside the tooth on a piece of tissue paper for about 20 or 30 minutes and it completely kills the infection. If you get any kind of little bug bites that itch like crazy you rub some on with was a tissue paper and it pretty much immediately gets rid of it. As a parasite cleanse I take one teaspoon of pure gum spirits and mix it with one tablespoon of coarse ground sugar take it by mouth and wash it down with water or juice. You can use it topically on melanoma also which will get rid of it along with castor oil.. so many uses. Thank you

Information archaeologist 🧐 Finding truth one dig at a time
Great tips; thank you!!!
So much good info shared on AU 💖