God warned me.
Like when Obumer was running for Pres and everyone was gaga over him...I prayed and asked God...
What I felt I was to do was Don't watch him...and don't vote for him.
Discernment grows when used.
A gift not practiced and used can be lost. use.
Faith walk is substance of things hoped for evidence of things unseen.
The hope is to listen and walk it out with discernment from God.
God gives discernment to those who ask...
I am asking!
Repenting when I do it wrong brings forgiveness...I want!

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
esp when the docs got paid for how many in their practice took them and how many took 1-2-3 times.. those KNEW what was going on or were so interested in money they didnt want to know..