In a Fox News segment earlier in the day, he said of the surrounding the ongoing government shutdown: 'Nancy Mace would not be in the House if it weren’t for Donald Trump, and she can’t vote the way that he asked her to today?'
Shortly after, Mace went on the attack.
'I have a message for Trey Gowdy: You let Hillary Clinton off the hook for Benghazi. Sit your ass back down,' she fumed.
She then followed this up with a picture of Gowdy from his days as a congressman, writing: 'Which bathroom do we think Trey Gowdy uses?'
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Josh Hawley, Matt Gaitez, Sen Paul, Ron Paul, Jim Jordan..
Yabba yabba yabba yabba..
Nothing ever happens... they just do auditions for the Golden Globe but they are all puff and not punch...