We must realize the deception by which Satan has exercised his rulership over the world since the fall of man in the garden has been *supernatural* in nature. He doesn't operate in linear ways or make and carry out his plans as a human would w/ mere human agencies on which to depend.
It's all been done behind the scenes with hidden hands and entities w/ the advantage of instantaneous communication amongst his minions, the fallen angels (now demons) across the whole spectrum of the world at any given time moment by moment. We must also realize that Satan and his minions have never died and so gone through the generational genetic deterioration that humans have but are still in possession of their original pristine *minds* and *abilities* they were created with.
This is *spiritual* warfare of the highest order we humans have *no possibility* of combating w/o the direct help of Jesus Christ and his Holy Spirit and unfallen angels working at His direction on our behalf.