Most people on this platform think JFK Jnr is still alive.
How brainwashed and dumb can you get?

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I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

Aloha 👋
It appears, I am overloaded with mind-control.
Pleased to meet you 😊
I'm a believer 100%
Have a wonderful day😍

In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

It is true….
I am someone who strongly feels that
JFKjr faked his death back on
July 16th of 1999.

However, my perspective is that of
a person who
believes in
fighting evil
in this
Time of Spiritual Warfare.

We are still waiting to learn how
President Trump is
actually the 19th President of America.

Somehow we are still
functioning on different timelines Juris.

I am cool with it either way.
Perhaps we will learn the truth in 2025.


Save The Children | Patriotic Father | Retired Fire Captain | WWG1WGA | MAGA | God Wins!

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Soft disclosure can be painful for the awakened but will probably save lives in the end. There is an end, right?

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Take a morning walk on Golf Course been there over 100 yrs. The first part of the walk is to a bench anchored permanently w/memorial engraving of someone's name. "Bill Bassista" it reads on it, letters burned into the backrest for eternity.😆 "Good Morning, Bill!" I'd exclaim most days.
Then, after a time in the morning sun I'd set off to the second stop before completing my trek back home.
A few days after Thanksgiving when I got there, it was gone. The bush almost behind it was there, the wind damaged trees were there, but I swear to God, no bench. As though it had never been.
What's most remarkable to me is that I cannot remember the name on the backrest of the bench I had greeted personally for the past year. And I've tried.
Timeline jump? 🙊

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In response Juris Prudence Civilis to her Publication

In 'this corrupt world' we need a real 'brain washing' a cleansing of our minds, from all the lies we've been fed 🙄
(Renewing of our minds w/ the Spirit of Truth)

Even if he were alive what would it matter?
If he did appear would he take over Trump's position? or is Trump more Royal than him?🤔

Rem the Camelot spell cast on the american people 'romanticizing society' to think of the Kennedy's as Royalty - Americans being brain polluted to have Royalty like England!

Rubbish - it's all make believe fairytales used by the CONtrollers to keep people in their 'narrative' believing lies and paying taxes.
Producing Good 'global DisOrder world citizens'

In response Free Bird to her Publication

I just love how you've got these people from the ground up totally sussed.
One of the very few.

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