Unhinged Canadian MP claims Jesus was 'democratic socialist,' slams Christians over 'climate change' - LifeSite
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Unhinged Canadian MP claims Jesus was 'democratic socialist,' slams Christians over 'climate change' - LifeSite
Pro-abortion, pro-LGBT Liberal MP Adam Van Koeverden called Jesus a ‘democratic socialist’ during a House of Commons debate on Thursday while blasting Christians who aren’t concerned about alleged ‘climate change.’
https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/unhinged-canadian-mp-claims-jesus-was-democratic-socialist-slams-christians-over-climate-changeHe came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. He set us FREE. Research real science. Carbon footprint? The green of the earth requires it to be able to give us what we need....oxygen! Climate change? Bologna!