I SHARE so you can discern for yourself! (does not mean I agree) If I like a post, I like it, or a nod to the person who posted it!
Ha Ha Turned it into jail cells!

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
OO my gosh! GITMO once was a pedoclub?

I've been asking about this song; thank you for sharing this! Here is more:
"Photograph of the Y.M.C.A. at Guantanamo Bay (Cuba). Photograph was taken by crewmen from the U.S.S. Arizona on liberty." Original date: 1918

Thank you for sharing !!!
I was today years old, first time hearing this ! Gives entirely new meaning to the song, I'll never NOT think of Guantanamo Bay when I hear it play !