MBDA Exocet and Teseo anti-ship missiles at Euronaval 2024
Chris Cavas talks to Stefano Bertuzzi, Head of Naval Systems Export, regarding the Exocet and Teseo families of anti-ship missiles on display on the MBDA booth at Euronaval 2024
World renowned anti-ship missile family among the large MBDA products range, the Exocet missile has just taken a step forward, by seeing its 4,000th unit released from the factories in France, Center region. This 4,000th unit has been handed over to the French Navy.
Exocet missiles are long-range anti-ship missiles of the “high subsonic” speed class, which can be deployed from a wide range of platforms, including naval, air or land. Used by 36 countries, these missiles are worldwide recognized for their anti-ship missile capabilities and effectiveness.