"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
One of my church brothers died today. 60+ years old had a history of heart trouble. Left Sabbath potluck not feeling well. Complaining he couldn't breath his wife drove him home where he collapsed and his pulse was lost. She being a nurse got it going again while ambulance was summoned. Not sure if he passed en route or at hospital. Wife had been w/ him since she was 18, couple of kids and I think 3 grands. A lot of tears shed ... many more to come I'm sure.
Prayers appreciated for the fam.
"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;
Thank's Ana! ... Biblically we believe the dead enter a state of essentially 'soul sleep' as evidenced by Jesus' friend Lazarus .. but with the very next conscious thought being the promised resurrection and homeward bound indeed .. 👍