Digital Warrior who took the Oath! Thriving in Free Florida Sending Love, Joy & Blessings from our Dad... To ALL on Earth & ALL Above
ALL these corporations are being
blackmailed into killing Humanity
by the Satanic NaziWO in control.
This week's assassination was prolly
the Cabal, eliminating a whistleblower
& generating RAGE in the populace
against Big Healthcare as a diversion

Christian, Patriot, Wife, and Mother. Trump Won
I feel like the Pharmacy gained alot of power too. I worked in the medical field for 35 years. I got laid off my last job in Houston because the pharmacy had too much pull in the laboratory

Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
As an RN for fifty years, I witnessed first hand how insurance companies gained more and more power and influence over doctors, hospitals, clinics etc. Many very dedicated and good holistic type doctors gave up their practices because of insurance companies interfering with the care the doctors wanted for their patients. Some Insurance companies would not pay unless a physician followed the insurance companies rules and algorithms. Patients sometimes suffered because they could not get the care they needed in a timely manner. Insurance providers would add more and more "rules" for doctors to follow including things like not covering a certain drug the doctor preferred over what the insurance provider felt was "necessary" and less expensive. Forcing doctors to discharge patients from hospitals early because the algorithms determined what the "usual" stay should be. All these things and more in my experience. ðŸ˜

My husband’s company just changed to UHC as of January 1. I’m disgusted! I don’t go to doctors any more, but my hubby and daughter do.

Yeah I haven’t been to a Dr either for almost 8 years now. I was tired of the dr’s at the VA constantly wanting to throw pills at me and I was feeling like shit because of the concoction of meds they had me on so I stopped all meds cold turkey and stopped going to the Dr’s too.

I know so many people complaining of their company changing to UHC OR small insurance companies actually owned by UHC and are so upset about it.

Thank you for sharing this! Maybe there will be MAJOR changes to our insurance coverage!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
I remember back in 1993
Dr Wang told me that she didn't want to take Medicare patience, because the Medicare office top pay out was $8. per patient
Funds weren't received until months later.
This is when she, and I had a light bulb moment.💡💡
Hawaii Medical and Doctors were owned by the insurance companies, HMSA aka Blue Cross Blue Shield.Doctors who gave patients medical records, received bonus.
These demons allowed someone wonderful whom I knew, to die.
HMSA refused to pay for her treatment, IF she went off Island.
LA was the only place that gave that surgery she needed.
Murder in my book
I am not a hater by any means,
I have a huge disliking for 3D
Kick it up a notch!
How about some Love, and Kindness 💕💌👋
We Made It!!