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Kuntuzangpo 1776

"General Flynn says if you dig into the AIDS virus, you’ll find that it was likely manufactured by the US Government 👀

“What it really comes down to is our government involved in manufacturing diseases and then manufacturing drugs that are supposed to help when in fact they don’t help, just like the vaccines that we have now.”

He also says Fauci created the HIV drug AZT which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men.

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From Patri0tsareincontr0l


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"Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord" Is1:18;

In response Kuntuzangpo 1776 to his Publication

HIV, the so-called 'AIDS' virus was harmless to any normally healthy human as proven by Prof Peter Duesberg, along w/ his colleague Kari Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test, when the whole "AIDS" scam was put in play.
It was again, just like "covid", the treatment w/ AZT that was the goal and the kill (and $$) shot. Fauci didn't create it but he sure jumped on it as the solution and profited enormously from it along with many of his ilk in on the scam.
AZT was created in the 50s as a cancer chemotherapy drug but was found so highly toxic and ineffective it was shelved.

Duesberg's website w/ all the science and history of the HIV/AIDS medical crime is remarkably still available.

How AZT came into the AIDS scamdemic