Plant seeds. Live by Faith, Free The Children. This is a WAR of HALOS vs Pitchforks & GOD WINS ALL WAYS
The 'NAZI CIA' ...IS the DEEP STATE ,and the global elite. The FBI is the NAZI SS, the goon squad, they dont even have a charter. EVERY 3 letter agency including the SES,senior Executive Service is just another branch of the CIA. Proliferating Evil has Always been the agenda, which enabled them to 'blame another agency' for any wrong committed by anyone. EVERYTHING has ALWAYS BEEN THE CIA. The acronym 'clowns in action' is factually TRUTH. It's a Money LAUNDERING machine of epic proportions. And the way to child traffick in plain sight. Military Industrial Complex is just another branch of CIA. ,cuz you gotta keep the war machine going so they can grab kids. Only the 'good guys' in our Military can 'clean up, and take out the TRASH. They have been doing remarkably AWESOME WORK, all while cleaning up the trash in their own branches. I LOVE OUR MILITARY. I will continue to PRAY Without Ceasing, for A day when the children will be 'safe' from evil.