…On behalf of President Donald J. Trump & Robert F. Kennedy
we are hereby ordering the Dallas PD & Dallas AG’s office
to begin preparation for the arrest & prosecution of Ruth Paine
for Conspiracy to Commit the Murder of President John F. Kennedy
on November 22, 1963… 💥

🎥 2:19
Ruth & Michael Paine are do-gooders
who nobody would have ever heard of
if it hadn’t been.. that one of the people they helped out in life
was Lee Harvey Oswald…
‘It was a coup. You can’t close the circle without the Paines..’
Prosecutor, ‘Is it a coincidence Mrs. Paine,
that it was you who directed Lee to the job
in the School Book Depository?
And it’s just a coincidence that the gun
that supposedly killed the president was located in your house?..
‘The last telephone calls that Lee Oswald made
to anybody in the world & they were to Ruth Paine
& the only person who can say what Oswald said is Ruth.’ 💥

🇬🇧 @ LauriAboliChannel

In response Kat istheSea3 to her Publication

Drinking coffee at 2am,
came across this odd connection to
John Kerry and Ruth Paine…..
They were related.🧐
Wasn’t Kerry a
Skull n Bonesman?


Feeling like Columbo this morning.

🔷Let’s Ride🔷

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Kerry and bush were skull and bones buddies are yale

In response MATTHEW Bissanti to his Publication

What crazy initiation do the
young bonesmen participate in
to become
Skull n Bones?

When the skull of
is returned to his proper burial site….
Our land will be Spiritually Free.

This is a good clip MATTHEW.👇

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

Let's go get it and finish this mission. 😊👋💕

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I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness

In response URBAN SQUIRREL to her Publication

What time 😊