For the past 25 years I’ve been saying we are tax slaves. Wake up American tax payers!! Roughly 50% of eligible US population pays income e taxes.
How does anyone still believe government has any value?
Aware of enough lies that I am suspicious of every truth - and the truth does not care about your feelings...INFJ Sigma
Good question...
Don't forget gas tax, DMV fees and tax, business fees and tax, insurance fees and tax, phone tax, restaurant tax, water tax, electric tax, parking fees, toll bridges tax, entertainment tax, cable/ satellite TV tax, used item resale tax, did I forget anything? 🤔
Child of God, mother of two, retired R.N. Proud to be an American! God bless the USA!
....and what does the other country do with all that money? Does it get right back into the hands of those who whined about being a helper to other less fortunate countries? WHERE DOES IT GO??
None of it goes to stated purpose. It goes to elites and politicians after money laundering. End government.