A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
I’m taking a sick day in bed!! Just to rest and give my body a chance to integrate whatever is coming “in”. 2-3 days of a headache, body pressure, nausea, irritated watery eyes, runny nose. I’m not sick but all this mucus is a symptom of dna changes, perhaps more purging??
Also I just feel heavily tired! I’ve noticed the body buzzing sensations again in my chest, feet, hands, etc. My insides, guts feel different like being worked on? Is anybody else feeling this?https://t.me/ascensionsymptomsmainchannel/125
Yes the last 4 days I've been getting something that feels foreign in my whole body and my 6th sense knows myself very well. I feel if I were to describe it like a powerful vibration coming in that my body can't keep up with. Yesterday and last night was like a clamp, breathing as if I couldn't catch my breath very dizzy some nausea and head pressure that would come and go in waves. At one point I was very out of it cheeks went numb but the cognition returned. Very odd for me. Still abnormally tired today, little dizzy. But it was so odd the feelings from the chest center in the front radiating outward, not pain, but like energy I could feel, and the same from the center back out to the shoulder blades. It's strange and has happened while sleeping the last week a few times. That buzzing from the chest and back center I was trying to describe it to my husband because I was thinking it was heart related it was like energy pulses. Just strange.