Save The Children | Patriotic Father | Retired Fire Captain | WWG1WGA | MAGA | God Wins!
Trump 2020, Fight Like a Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, WWG1WGA, Seth Rich, God Wins 🙏🏻, We Are The Storm 🦅, God Bless America 🇺🇸
Here is one…
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
What an IDIOT. Colorado Mayor must be smoking DOPE, cuz he is a DOPE. 😂
1) Most Police agree with Trump Policies, especially now, because they are being targeted everywhere by foreign Gangs & Cartels. Liberal policies endanger Law Enforcement as well as The People. They'll just call in sick!
2) NO "police force" has the power to stand up against the US Military in a military contest, period.
3) The Military has the power and authority under the Constitution to FORCE Police to stand down, because they are "policy enforcers" (that's where the word "police" derives from) of the foreign-owned corporations that pose as our governments in violation of 18 U.S. Code § 242.
Sheriffs are Constitutional.
US Marshals are Constitutional.
It is likely under NESARA that all good Police will be given a choice to join Sheriffs Departments or US Marshals.
4) To stand against the American Republic makes one an Unlawful Belligerent, and that's a really super-bad classification to be in.
Trump 2020, Fight Like a Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, WWG1WGA, Seth Rich, God Wins 🙏🏻, We Are The Storm 🦅, God Bless America 🇺🇸
I commented on this video (more than once). There was some sheep lady in the comments section trying to play against some of our comments. This was my last comment from some hours ago that may have sent her crying with no further poking.
“I am liking this comments section, truly, it is great to start a good conversation about all this! My comment had to do with “criminals”, but maybe we can just start there. (Continued 👇)
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Bigger than US CODE violations.
Bigger than Federal Law violations.
Bottom line IMO is that we are all in a Jurisdiction of Martial Law 24/7 & therefore subject to the UCMJ & that especially goes for public officials, who by such acts are engaging in Acts of Terrorism during a time of WAR.
I believe they may be classified as "terror cells" & we have to expand our thinking about the definition of "terrorism".
This Cabal & their minions THINK they have authority to violate the Constitution & go against the Republic when they don't 👉because the UCMJ (1775) is Superior even to Federal Law & because the LAWS OF ARMED CONFLICT apply. We are AT WAR, officially.
The AUMF (Authorization for Use of Military Force) of 2001 is bigger and broader than a formal Declaration of War, which is against Nations. THE WAR ON TERROR is universal.
Unprivileged Belligerents.
Undeclared Belligerents.
Unlawful Belligerents.
That means they have no protections under the Geneva Convention IMO.
Trump 2020, Fight Like a Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, WWG1WGA, Seth Rich, God Wins 🙏🏻, We Are The Storm 🦅, God Bless America 🇺🇸
Great take, thank you Cowboy!
You got me thinking, they test boundaries and then they change things up. This starts small. We have stepped up and stepped up. If they cannot break us and send us into compliance then it goes bigger. We do take hills in battle but we are not seeing the entire landscape because things get steeper.
The playfield can look different depending on where we each are. I think my US CODE comment was a good seed to plant in my blue surroundings and she did stop braying.
I agree with you, and UCMJ makes the most sense to me at this stage, yet I am still not seeing where we are for certain. I just trust we are getting there. Once we surpass human law there is more, including divine law and eternal law. Heck some folks are so far gone they cannot fathom the simplest of boundaries. Interesting times. 💪🙏
What C.S. Lewis taught me about spiritual warfare - ERLC
Fiction has a way of showing us things that would otherwise go unnoticed. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I recently completed C.S. Lewis’ classic work The Screwtape Letters for the first time. I can honestly say, within the pages of this book, I’ve learned lessons that may save my li.. Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Everything we are experiencing is part of a Global Military Defense Operation, IMO.
Trump 2020, Fight Like a Flynn ⭐️⭐️⭐️, WWG1WGA, Seth Rich, God Wins 🙏🏻, We Are The Storm 🦅, God Bless America 🇺🇸
All of this gives me hope! Makes me wonder what we will know a year from now 💪
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
Stay positive Askyourself. Everyone's been through hell, but it had to be that way to catch them all and so that we REMEMBER - so this never happens again. I believe we HAVE ALREADY WON, and that things are in a mop-up phase.
I think most of the Cabal top & mid-level managers are already Tribunaled & Sentenced...& then many in the public eye were replaced with Central Casting to keep the charade going, to nab the low level cockroaches - which is in progress IMO.
It's a massive military sting operation of mind-boggling proportions, IMO. Masks! 😂
We don't pass this WAR on to our kids.
It's an amazing time to be alive.
I don't even think we're gonna be the same People in a year. I think an event is coming to re-activate our DNA (of which we are currently utilizing 2-3 strands tops, and 3% of our brains, tops), and that will awaken memories of our eternal souls that we presently cannot even fathom, and that our Powers as children of God will be restored. 👊💥💪🙏
I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
One thing's for sure.
If we hear it from the Military,
best bet is that it happened a long time ago.
I AM Divine Love!❤️ I AM Divine Light!🌟 I AM Divine Truth! 🗡 I AM Divine Gratitude! ✝️ I AM Divine Perfection! 😇 I AM! ❤️
Yes, this is just the wake-up process for the rest of the population.
We've had 7+ years to digest everything.
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
A blessing for sure.
Waking up is gonna be harder for latecomers.
That's where we come in.
Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
I don't like saying it, but from my experiences with Trump-haters, a LOT of them will NEVER wake up, unfortunately.
They're deranged and too far gone, and we need to accept that.
Just leave them be.
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
When it comes to "Trump Haters", I think at a minimum it's a DNA problem, and at its worst is a criminal history problem.
Nah, it's brainwashing.
I know first-hand.
I'm related to a lot of them, so that rules DNA out, and same with criminal history.
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
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This genetic ratio might explain why some succumb more to brainwashing, whereas others shake it off & reason we Anons.
Why did some people absolutely push others to mask & vax during COVID? They felt the innate need to control people. I think that's a Canaanite trait.
Most of us Anons here, never wanted to control anyone, ever.
I actually suspect that Trump "hating" runs deeper, and I think it's actually due to genetics. SOMETHING DRIVES them to hate him, to hate reason, and to hate him for freeing Humanity. Something in their genes?
It's something to think about anyhow.
I think our genetics controls even how we think, or if we have discernment.
Some tribes, we just weren't supposed to mix with...but our ancestors did anyhow. Or maybe we were experimented breed Humanity out.
Is that the "infiltration" JFK warned us about? I don't know, but my suspicions are high.
This is all only my opinion.
I'm just a Rancher. 🤣
Interesting theory Ol_cowboy, haven't thought of the genetics of it before.
Siblings have different genes, even litters of animals have different genes, or they would all be identical.
How many of us are the black sheep of the family?
It maybe we also got the anti-brainwashing gene along with the not fitting in gene... or was it an extra dab of curiosity?
We all searched for answers instead of following what is considered normal.
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
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In other words, Human genetics v. Reptilian genetics in ratios. I am convinced the more Reptilian gene ratio one has, the more they might want to 1) control other people (like COVID mask fanatics). If even more Repto genes, then 2) they might be criminal offenders, such as con artists, wife beaters, etc.. And even more Repto above that, then 3) we get into our Cabal pukes, pedophiles, serial killers...the real scum.
Real Commander Valiant Thor on Telegram has said once someone gets above 60% Repto genetics, they have a high possibility of becoming child killers, essentially...even shape shifters.
Another contact on my old social media pointed out the FBI has databases on violent criminals' DNA and they know it is different than law abiding, peaceful Folks.
Gene Decode has also mentioned that the more Canaanite genes one has, the more susceptible they are to brainwashing and MK ULTRA.
For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
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In your case, that could be, and I don't discount what you're saying at all, but I do have a different opinion & perspective of it all at this point. Let me explain...
I believe that our Human genetics in general were messed up long ago (likely purposefully), infiltrated, and regardless of one's family, our genes are different from individual to individual and even between siblings and between generations due to different levels of hybridization that took place in Humanity's history - and I'm talking GOOD Genetics vs. EVIL Genetics - or in other words, Children of Light vs. Children of the Serpent, as Archbishop Viganò speaks about. Eustace Mullins describes this as the Bloodline of Adam vs. the bloodline of Cain. Bottom line is there are probably very few "pureblood" Humans left on Earth, and I heard Juan O'Savin mention once that number might only be about 1 million or so. Bottom line is, we're mostly all mixed.