I'm sorry I'm sure I will lose followers for this but it is the truth. Everyone should be taught all history not just biblical history and no child should be lead like this by a teacher. Only parents should have this choice to lead their child. You go down a very slippery slope when you allow a teacher to teach outside of subjects like history when it comes to beliefs. A child's mind is easily molded but not easily 'un-molded.' When you introduce all history the child will find real truth because that is the power of truth.
If you think in truth you know this is truth.
On another note, all sports learned in schools are designed to teach to compete against others so in that is not truth or correct or good beautiful or helpful for a child as an adult to learn. Learning to play sports together like as in Kubuntu creates societies that work for each other not against each other. Do you see it yet?
passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
still on my team my soul friend
Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
I am a work in progress. Please don't give up on me ever. I know I do round about trips into crazy stuff but I am trying to find real truth. Sometimes it looks like insanity but I will not give up! haha! Thank you for always encouraging me and believing in me!