“ Tulsi Gabbard exposes the existence of US biolabs: “There are up to 30 illegal US funded biolabs in Ukraine, all of which conduct experiments witn pathogens”
“War aside, even in the best of conditions, these facilities could easily be compromised and pathogens released.
Pathogens know no borders, they will quickly breach Europe, the US & world. These labs need to be shutdown & pathogens destroyed.
The US, UN & others should be urging for an immediate ceasefire, in the name of humanity.”
We, have known about this since the beginning of the war in Ukraine but it’s vital that the masses catch up with the truth!
👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 “
From Laura Aboli
Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
Does this sound more like a threat than just casual information to let us know they're there? Anyone else feel this way?