😻 I live on the S CA coast of the Pacific Ocean.
5-P8’s just flew very low, loud & in formation over my house.
Twice: Up the coast then down the coast.
They made a great showing that they are here 💪🇺🇸🪖
3-years ago, Juan O Savin did an interview where he said,
“They’re running P-8’s off the Florida coast heavy & hard.
The waters around there are pretty hard to hide in.”
I had to look up what a P-8 was:
“The Boeing P-8 is a multi-mission maritime patrol aircraft,
excelling at anti-submarine warfare
anti-surface warfare
intelligence, surveillance & reconnaissance
search & rescue.
It can fly up to 41k ft & @ 490 knots.
It searches for submarines, surface vessels
or search & rescue survivors.
The P-8 is also designed for low altitude missions.”
The deep state are not going to just take Trump’s win
without a hard retaliation.
But I#trusttheplan & I#TrustQTeam
who have kept us alive all through this war 🙏🇺🇸🪖❤️

I Love this Country. We need our country back. Law & Order is Over Due. Justice has failed us. Trusting the Plan will take care of [them].
So I live off the FL Atlantic Coast in The Space Coast of FL. Area .. So hearing all sorts sounds of low flying planes, helicopters, rockets going up and vibrating the house.. We hear it all.
A couple nights ago I heard very loud, low flying planes, sounded like 3 of them flying above our area at 3 in the morning, doing laps around, loud enough to wake me up, kinda freaked me out, no doubt these were more than likely P8's as well, probably doing some submarine hunting.. It's def nice to know they're up there watching over the areas..

😻 I can relate to ALL of it, Jay.
I too send up Blessings & Thanks
to all the Military planes & helos 🙏🇺🇸🪖
The other night around 10 p.m.
there was this MASSIVE explosion
& my house shook.
A few seconds later all my chums texted
that was Elon's SpaceX rocket launching.
I'm an hour & a half from
Vandenberg Space Force Base.
OMG 🙀 It was scary for a moment there‼️

I Love this Country. We need our country back. Law & Order is Over Due. Justice has failed us. Trusting the Plan will take care of [them].
Oh wow 😨.. That's so cool 😎
Sometimes late at night or early in the AM we feel the shaking, I'm like Elon is that you again!!?? Lol. 🤣
We're about 30 min away from Cape Canaveral, so we're seeing these rockets go up 2-3 times a week sometimes.. It's increased so much in the last few years..
In re : to the cutting the cables , it's about the 3rd time this past week I've heard rumors about it reading different posts on social media.. Even if the Internet goes off, thanks to Elon we'll have Starlink!!
😻 We don't need the dang cables anyway!
We never did!
I can't wait until we get rid of ALL the wires.
If we'd done what GENIUS TESLA suggested
we'd NEVER have had wires/cables, etc.
🇺🇸🪖 Gene Decode
"The cabal have been living high & mighty
on technology a centuries ahead of us.
They went to Mars in 1903
& then in 1947 with Tesla’s anti-gravitics.
They used it in a TR-3B.
The free energy device that powers that
is the size of a shoe box,
zero-point energy
Or it uses the Casimir effect..
We’re using fossil fuel, solar energy, windmills,
all this ridiculous stuff.
We didn’t have to rape our planet.
Don't have to have wires, strip-mining, all of this running wires.
Tesla spoke against that in the 1890’s.
He thought it was a travesty to rig power lines all over Earth.
Imagine the beauty of this world
if we had allowed people like Tesla
to give us his technology?" 🕊️🌎🌟
It's all coming now‼️🥳

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
Mars is accessible via an elevator portal, according to a whistleblower who spoke to David Wilcock.
Antarctica is a ring, an ice wall around the "known" continents, which contains the oceans on the flat earth.
Nothing is as it seems.

💯 Mike!
Try this one: We aren't even on a PLANET
we're in prison on a hologram 🙀💥🙃

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
This should do it! 😊
Wait until people learn they have been robbed and tortured for the Draco entertainment.
People have their power cut off, and then have to pay to turn it back on. When Power energy is free!

😻 Exactly!!
Nikola Tesla wanted to harness SOLAR power
for FREE to ALL.
Edison wanted to charge $$$ for electricity
hence the WIRES & DS CONTROL
We are on the brink of Zero Point Energy
& of ZERO $$ for energy, water, power—all of it.
We are on the brink of ZERO $$$ for HEALTH
because Med Beds will be FREE for ALL
just the way Mr. Tesla wanted it 🙏❤️❤️❤️