Ezra A. Cohen, 💧[7.11.2024 г. 20:28]💧
US Military is now under the control of Donald Trump.💥
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passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
so has scotus done what weve been waiting for cause it appears his admin has been determined, he is barking orders. and the military control has been flipped from them to him now? comments anyone?
By the power of EOs, PEADs and the Law of War manual, Trump has been CIC since 2017.
This letter must be a fake; notice there is no name on the letterhead.

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
i am not sure about that. it is signed by someone we might not know yet.. he was CIC but he didnt have control. they listened to his thinking but ultimately it was military who controlled and was responsible for results.. why i am asking.. for comments.. he is throwing out information about what will be done.. later ? momentarily?? we already know scotus agreed with the election in 2020 in july 2021 and have held on to it until necessary. now would be a good time. whats the plan for biden to oust him for the few months left so she could do her dirty work and she takes over/ dangerous ploy. but maybe thats what their waiting for.. of course you and i know she really has no control but the public doesnt.. gonna be quite a ride over the next few months if their going to let it all follow thru.. i dont know. just thinking out loud..it will be what it will be and i trust the plan. maybe i should just shut up

Not a scientist, nor do I claim to be one...T-shirts, blue jeans, baseball hats and beer...Stealer of fine memes...Frequent F-bombs 😬🤣
It's always good to spitball and toss ideas around.