Looking forward to the day we heal our wounds and live in Peace,Love and Unity as we were meant to.
Throughout my childhood and through my 20's I always had these repeating dreams that I was outside looking up and all the ships started appearing. When I was young it brought fear, as I got older I looked forward to it. In the dream it was as if a blinder was taken off my eyes as they were there the whole time but I was finally allowed to see them. It was in a few different locations and some of the times the ships were in a battle being shot out of the sky by another ship and falling. We never watched shows in the 70 and 80 that had anything to do with this so it's not from a movie.
Anyone else have this repeating dream?
Yes! I have a dream where the shy is lighting up with alien ships and activity but I'm running around begging everyone not to look at the sky. I dont know why, I just know that we are not supposed to look.