Bless Trump and the Military. Awake, Aware. Cant wait for the credits to roll. Truth brings the light, lies keep you in the dark.
My friend was in VN, They put him in Special Ops because of his cleaver thinking and humor and probably his stature. He went on assignment with his troop , I am not sure exactly how it went down but everyone of his group were killed. Injured he walked 20-30 miles through the jungle till he found an American camp. They sent him home and when he stood in front of his superior my friend said "he had a shocked look on his face", he then gave my friend a dishonorable discharge and threatened him not to try and get any VA benefits. Walking out my friend realized he and his fellow fighters were NOT SUPPOSED TO MAKE IT OUT ALIVE from that assignment.
I would love to know who that so called superior was.

I was at the VA getting glasses next to a older vet. Suddenly he said he was in Germany when Vietnam broke out and was the first there at 18. He said they give you a rifle and tell you everyone is trying to kill you. Then people when you get back are mad because you freak out over something like someone bumping into you. F#cking CIA heroine war

passionate patriot, anon, truther and lover of the Creator
they were treated with such disrespect.. they really wondered why they went there and their buddies got killed... i constantly thank them..their my age now..and still love hearing it..

An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious #TheGreatAwakening
I'll never forget these lyrics, they hit me hard the first time I heard them...😢 now they come to mind when ever the subject comes up🙏.
Something to Believe In
Song by Poison
"22 years of mental tears cries a suicidal Vietnam vet
Who fought a losing war on a foreign shore
To find his country didn't want him back
Their bullets took his best friends in Saigon
Our lawyers took his wife, his kids, no regrets
In a time I don't remember
In a war he can't forget
He cried, "Forgive me for what I've done there
'Cause I never meant the things I did"

Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
My two brothers were looked at as killers...it was the time of protesting the war...1969-1971---they had flash backs----they talked to each other about the war but no one else...I'm sure cause we didn't understand...straight out of high school

An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious #TheGreatAwakening

Love my country and my fellow Patriots. LOVE MY PRESIDENT. BRING THE PAIN SIR!!!!!! I DO NOT RESPOND TO DM!!!!
Never forgotten!

An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious #TheGreatAwakening