I still don't believe worth a FK that Harris got 224. BULLSHIT>Ya'll KNOW this was a TRUMP LANDSLIDE also.
Its manipulation. When people Are trapped in Commiefornia, Now Its traditionallly leftist bastion.
They Lost their bid for change from inside. New governor, new secretary of state, all remain same.
Time Will Tell, if life in Commiefornia Is Safe for Trump mostly rural minorities.
[They] stole Ca!I once again, California flipped, race was called for Dems before counting began
Fraud will be exposed
Plus newscum signed into law that it was illegal to ask for voter id.
That is what my buddy said years ago. Cali is Trump land, she said also. TUNNELS all under there SO many and of course all other continents. HOPE they get rid of the secret orgs. I mean that also IS the enemy.