Jesus is my Savior. Love my husband & America. Dog lover. RN. Constitutional conservative. Love Trump. Followed by Flynn on Twitter.
Just for the record, Colorado gets very little attention and gets counted as Blue. The truth is most of Colorado is RED! Population concentrations in and around Denver and Pueblo are blue. Couple that with a corrupt SOS and Governor who fly under the radar and are selected by mail-in voting, you know, those safe and secure votes that are touted as the "gold standard." 🙄 (wink, wink) and there you have the reason we are "blue."
AZ is in a similar situation.. the whole state, except Phoenix and Tucson, is predominantly red.
Of course, the unknown is the plague of leftists that have moved into AZ in the last 3 years...
RSBN is reporting Kari Lake behind Gaegos (sp). I have been surprised she has not been more in the public eye here.