Two Sisters spreading Red Pill Domestic and International News on God's Great Liberty; The Gospel with humor and Christian principles.
So, you are saying Donald J. Trump who seeking to be President in a Godly nation founded on the Word of God. Founded on the gospel of Jesus Christ celebrates Halloween a Satanic Holidays, days before the most important election where is life is dependent on Worshipping God and him alone. Complete dependent on repentance, forsaking sin, denouncing the Devil and reverences God's holy word? A Double minded man will receive nothing from the Lord. Halloween was totally illegal until 1950 because it is unconstitutional. It is the opposite of freedom but represents bondage to Satan and sin. To the world and all corruption you see in government today.
All Hallows Eve
Very Christian and came from a tradition from the Celts
All Hallows Eve (Oct. 31) – Some people dress up as the saints and also attend mass. The holiday has evolved into Halloween as we know it today. All Saints Day (Nov. 1) – People attend mass, pray and sing, and visit shrines and graves of saints.