10-29-24 🇺🇸 Ariel @ Prolotario1
Asset Seizures… Restoration & Restitution…
We should all know by now how D. Trump
likes to deliver messages that a multi layered 😉
🇺🇸 Gene Decode
The first 150 MILES of the Vatican D.U.M.B. was crammed
with solid gold bullion.
Further into the D.U.M.B. they found MORE Gold.
They'd already removed $34.7 QUINTILLION
now they’re talking $EPTILLIAN+
This Gold under Albania
is from Singapore, Thailand & Philippines
taken [stolen] to the Vatican long ago.
They’re repatriating it to those countries.
In EVERY D.U.M.B. the cabal kept meticulous records
of every person—you, your parents, grandparents,
back 1000s of years
of how much they looted from your family
that you are owed exactly to the penny
& that also goes to the cities, states, provinces & countries.
ALL of that is restored — [restituted] 🥳
🇺🇸 Q The Storm Rider
[Rothschild] Gold hidden in the Switzerland mountains
under Military control 🪖
YEP I was right ALL along like many trackers. I expected this. IN my life time. GOD IS CIC>

😻 When Gene was describing the New World, Steph,
he couldn't keep AWE out of his voice
about what he was SEEING
that is COMING for all 🌟🙏🕊️❤️🥳
🇺🇸🪖 Gene Decode
If you were to look at the amount of gold on this planet
& the amount of diamonds
it’s quite evident now, from the Special Forces
& people that go down there
that the amount of gold they've found is more than they thought
Imagine if that was disseminated throughout
& you made it monatomic
Then you won’t create anymore pollution
cuz you have Free Energy 💪🎉

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
A vision of the new Heaven and the new Earth:

US Navy veteran, live in caregiver for my 99 yo Mother, Nana and Great Nana
Interestingly, very similar visions were shown to Enoch 7 thousands years earlier than those shown to the Apostle John in Revelation.