For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
I would be very OK with a 14% - 17% NESARA-style national sales tax on NEW, NON-ESSENTIAL ITEMS ONLY.
Think of it: NO sales tax on anything essential, or anything used, like: USED homes, cars, whatever...
No taxes on food or meds, not even fuel or restaurants cuz they are essential.
Maybe 1 new car also "essential"?
Maybe a new home "essential"?
But if you wanna buy that brand new BASS PRO FISHING BOAT just for fun, then pay a tax that actually goes truly to our 90% smaller essential-functions-only government.
But then again, maybe TARIFFS cover all that.
We just have to see how President & CIC Trump puts it all together.
NESARA was enacted under USA, INC., so we can do even better - TRUMPSARA!

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.๐น
Thete is no such thing as Trumpsara, Nesara/Gesara was not enacted by USA, INC how frustrating to hear you think this. The real Nesara/Gesara is a gift from God in the care of St. Germaine for all humanity and its been very frustrating that it hasnโt been given to the people yet which tells me still those who are just enjoying it for themselves and really donโt care about humanity! These dang games, movie or whatever you want to call it has gone on long enough, the collateral damage of lives unnecessarily being lost due to technologies still being held back is a disgrace. This is not Godโs plan, this is still man trying to stay in control and it is so disappointing. God really needs to take over.๐ฅ๐ฅ๐๐๐๐

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
2 of 2:
I am not saying NESARA-GESARA is not happening, because it is happening IMO, but we also have to recognize USA INC. for what it was - a fraudulent "corporation" that usurped our Republic (1871-1878) by the ACT OF 1871 and ALL LEGISLATION from then until the re-establishment of the Republic is INVALID, because "fraud vitiates everything". So NESARA was enacted by the help of our Special Forces and signed by Bill Clinton and Passed by Congress and Ruled positively by the Supreme Court - but those 3 branches of government, Executive, Legislative & Judicial were "captured operations" under a FRAUD. Does that mean NESARA won't happen? NO, because NESARA-GESARA is a Military Operation and our Military - our First (1775) and other Branch Of Government was NEVER CAPTURED. Further, because President Trump is CIC of the Military, then it isn't inappropriate to call it TRUMPSARA, because President & CIC Trump and the Military will make NESARA-GESARA even better for Humanity IMO.

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.๐น
Again you have much knowledge that I do not and thank you for such another great explanation, I understand totally what you are saying and agree. I am confused about one thing you say here though that Trump is CIC, I just watched a video on : Russell-Jay: Gould and : David-Wynn: Miller capturing the title 4 flag for our country in 1999 ending debt and the contol of Great Britain and the Cabal over America thus freeing us from its slavery and making us a Sovereign Country including Canada, and it states heโs the Postmaster General of the world and CIC, & he has set up a Quantum Banking System, got rid of the FED and set up the Treasury, and also we have to pay to set up a Claim of the Life to be considered real as previously we were considered fictional or strawmen, so please resolve my confusion is Trump CIC just for the United States under Gould? I know Gould supports him on his blog but this military stuff is hard to comprehend sometimes. ๐ค๐ค๐ค

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
I am very happy to answer any questions I can, and the main thing is I believe everything is going according to the MILITARY'S PLAN and that we just have to be patient. When NESARA-GESARA-TRUMPSARA does roll out, not only will all good People on Earth be BLESSED beyond their comprehension, but that we will never have to worry about "money" again or scarcity again, or anything that the Cabal controlled us & enslaved us with. All that oppression will be gone, but it also has to be transitioned SAFELY, which also means destruction of the CABAL with minimum Human casualties.
I think the MILITARY and President & CIC Trump are doing an amazing job.
We just have to be patient, do our part, and help our Brothers and Sisters until we all are on the other side of this transition.
This is a GLOBAL DEFENSE WAR. Keep that in mind. It's about saving Humanity. The Cabal really did try to kill all Humanity off, but failed.

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.๐น
Okay you mention Trump as CIC again, then your telling me Russell-Jay Gould and David-Wyn Miller are spreading false information?

For Humanity's Liberation & 'till every Child is rescued & out of harm's way. 2 ancestors fought under General Washington. Trump! MAGA!
This is an unprecedented MILITARY OPERATION in World History & I believe Donald J. Trump is President & CIC & I am in agreement with Derek Johnson's information to the same. I also believe that Russell-Jay Gould & his team are also involved in critical parts of saving the Republic & that many White Hats who are civilians are involved in this massive, global, Military Operation to save America & the World, including civilian efforts of the Brunson Brothers.
I also believe we are in FOG OF WAR.
Most of all, I ABSOLUTELY BELIEVE this is a MILITARY OPERATION that goes back DECADES which was instigated by President JFK himself (US NAVY Officer) AND by his creation of the Green Berets/Special Forces & that the planning & execution of THE Q PLAN that also involves great minds like Nikola Tesla, John Trump, Howard Hughes & amazing Generals like General Douglas MacArthur and that THE PLAN intensified after the assassination of John F. Kennedy as a MASSIVE MILITARY OPERATION.

Retired Pediatric RN and farm wife. Treasure my family, God & country! Fight for Justice, Truth & Freedom always! I Am That I Am.๐น
Again good thought processes. ๐ค I am going to just pray for the best possible and highest outcome for All, leave the evil to God and may Gods Will be done! ๐๐๐๐๐๐
Yes, let's pray for America and the American People, as well as for the health & protection of President & CIC Trump, ALL White Hats, our Brave Law Enforcement and our Valiant MILITARY who are going downrange to utterly destroy and lay waste to this Enemy and all EVIL associated with it.
Let's pray for all them and their families Every Day, because the War Is Real.