Discernment is critical.
end these storms / consciousness must see these storms dissipate, calm winds & water in the gulf before land fall to prevent destruction. Thankful that the storm is slowing and radar towers are w/out energy tech is failing, thus having no impact on nature. Bless U
It was not easy, that storm is not natural and very powerful
Discernment is critical.
try we must -
to knock out the hi-tech radar energy to malfunction breaking their grip on many southern states, the land, people and animals
In your Mind's Eye, picture it going counter to the rotation of it's actual ration to slow the winds down first then to enlarge the center so that warm air can enter and effectively breaking it apart, but at the same time holding the tunnel in place, stalling it, what will remain will be just a tropical down pour, with enough Minds it can manifest
Discernment is critical.
I've heard from many in Florida and they have rain, wind tearing off roofs, but many w/ power and not heavily flooded ... I'm sure some are devastated ...
Thank you for the instructions, we all prayed and it did help diffuse the storm 😍
he asks for an update from the Floridians
read all the comments
It was not easy
All glory to the One and ALL
Discernment is critical.
I love seeing the consciousness connect as one,
that is true progress
Yes, hopefully the multitude will finally awaken to the truth, maybe next time more could have been saved
That thing was not Natural, it felt otherworldly, intentional
yes, definitely conjured up and enhanced w/ tech, which means we are so MUCH STRONGER than them, when we recognize and respect each other though UNITY.
Discernment is critical.
Love it - here is the video / science showing that -
Its so wonderful to think beautiful positive thoughts and then see the results.
Its all about electrons. Plants have a negative field / bees positive / charge fields interact when the bee lands.