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#StockUpOnJesus 🙏🙏🙏
Years ago, I read or was told, that Satan was in control of our world up to the twentieth century.
If this was a "prediction" it was off by one century.
Anyway, the rest was that after the twentieth century, God would be in control.
Revelation does seem to fit.
Many believe we are in the end times.
But then some say we will have 100 years of peace, etc.
I don't know anything but
Trusting God
All we little people can do against such tech is pray because we can’t defeat it, but they don’t love God and want to depose Him. Omnipotent Creator cannot be deposed. Pray🙏
David, son of Jesse, was little in comparison to Goliath.
Jessus is of the "Jesse" tree.
You wrote:
All we little people can do against such tech is pray because we can’t defeat it, but they don’t love God and want to depose Him. Omnipotent Creator cannot be deposed. Pray
Also there's a verse in the bible, something to the effect that when two or more are on a rope it's very strong.
Meaning, two or more people praying is a strong prayer.