Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
Either "He" is all powerful and all Knowing or "He" is NOT!
Especially when it's some clergy, priest, deacon or other church going person doing this and worse to children and babies!
If my posts today are making you angry - great!
If my posts are hitting home somewhere in your subconscious - great!
If my posts are causing you to think critically - great!
and if my posts Resonate with Your Soul - Awesome!
Hundreds of thousands are Waking Up Spiritually!
Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
God created US as sovereign beings with the choice of good & evil AND YOU ARE GOING TO BLAME HIM FOR INDIVIUAL EVIL CHOICES?
I was repeatedly molested as a child by a family member.
You can’t imagine the degree of hate, self loathing & destruction that can foment inside a kid where NOT A SOUL picks up on the years of increasingly obvious signs of self destruction.
What I learned of all that…
The heart of man is deceitful above all things.
And that Yeshua’s arm is long enough to reach any soul in the lowest pits of despair.
Were you spared the trauma we are speaking of to accuse the Lord of not caring & are verbalizing the intrinsic pain this topic carries?
If this is the case, I thank God for your lack of personal experience.
Had it happened to my child or relative instead of me, I might be tempted to feel as you do.
That may be the harder burden to bear of the two.
Romans 5:20
“…But where sin abounded, grace abounded all the more.”
I am most serious about what I share!
"God" is a man-made word from "Gd" which means "Evil".
Everytime someone uses the word "god", "amen", "sin" & many others,
they are repeating Cabal mantras in the worship of the SUN!
We originate from Source Creation which is not a Being or Gender.
Source is Energy Consciousness.
We carry the Divine Spark (please don't call it god) eternally!
Making US Divine creators!
The physical, aka avatar earthly bodies in which our Soul enters has been altered by highly advanced ET races.
These advanced Beings were here long before the Romans / Cabal / Vatican Jesuits created the 3 modern religions - judaism, christianity & islam - at the core, the same.
All religions, their gods & holy books are 3rd dimensional construct for dumbing down & controlling the masses.
Part of my path is Empowering thru exposing deceptions.
Our experiences, as sovereign Beings with free will come from Soul contracts we make before entering these bo
Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
So in your storyline, where did these ‘beings’ come from?
Nothing comes from nothing.
I believe in the 3 persons of the Godhead: Father, Son & Holy Ghost.
You would have had to been to either Heaven or Hell personally to be as certain as I am.
Many of Us are multidimensional Souls living in an infinite Universe. WE are More Powerful than the Oligarchs want us to Believe!
First, I have no story line.
Story lines are for those who haven't a clue as to who they are.
So they take on the reality / opinions & personal truths of others that fit best in their environment.
For example, if you had been born in India, you would value Hindu traditions.
In China, your story might be communism, Zen or even Buddhist.
Pakistan, your story might be Mohammed or Jewish,
maybe even Zionist if born into one of those families.
All come with their own generational beliefs & stories.
Second, heaven & hell are a construct of the Cabal's religions.
No different than using Santa Claus by parents to control the behavior of their children.
Third, the history of our galaxy is far older than One can imagine & filled with other collectives of Beings.
Experiencers say there are even more earth like planets in our galaxy, let alone other galaxies in the Universe.
Hundreds of thousands here have traveled off planet & share their experiences!
ETs are ALWAYS amon