Older & wiser. Have the scars to prove it.
Believea God IS, mom of 3, grandmother of 3, Trump supporter from the onset, advocate of the REAL CONSTITUTION, bad at technology!!
Wish someone could help me understand "jumping timelines"
Yes, I agree with you, Lori. Some anons talk about "timelines" as easily as the rest of us refer to day turning into night. So let me get this straight....there are numerous scenarios of us running at the same time. All with varying degrees of similarity???? How is that possible??? Which one is the real me???
Sierra- They are all you- We are multi dimensional light beings living simultaneously. Think of timelines as frequencies, not as time per se. Hope this helps.
If they are all me, then why am I cognizant of living only one timeline? Why am I not aware of living the others?
I read a Delores Cannon book where she said why we can't remember, but I think it has to do with preserving our sanity while in 3 D. We remember it all when we leave this false matrix. But I know I have remembered bits of previous lifetimes. Can you imagine the distractions from this life if we had all those memories.
Delores Cannon....I'm going to see if I can find the book. Thank you.