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👆Can’t wait for the whole legal system to be exposed, we never had a chance...from birth we were sold as slaves!

Never tried this but bookmarked📅😉

Bring on the New World, cause this one fucking sucks!
Listen, I appreciate this shit, I really do. But can you fucking do an up to date video on this because it doesn't match up do your video. And I fucking hate when videos are not exactly done the right way
Do we need to log in, etc.... I mean come the fuck on. Directions need to be for the website right now. Fuck!!!

LOL, geez and hello to you too🙂
Listen… I gather info & when something on Anons comes across my vision, it triggers my memory bank of something I had seen or came across that I had archived & I go retrieve it & add it to the discussions!
I believe I mentioned I had not tried it but was going to lay day what I found!
I believe it is up to you, if you are so inclined to do your own due diligence to dig further on the “how to’s”!
I did a search on yt just now where this originated by typing in the search bar this “Treasury direct calculation on your birth certificate bond” and it showed several different videos on this!
I would start there & watch several of the diff ones & what others are saying about it, reading the comments from ppl within those doing this could provide insights, other than that I’m sorry for your disappointment in not providing enough 🙂✌️

Bring on the New World, cause this one fucking sucks!
My sincere apologies. You didn't deserve that. Please forgive me. I'm very sorry. 🙏
All’s good & I Love you Brother, seriously❤️🙏✨

Bring on the New World, cause this one fucking sucks!